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Traces of Thought

Woojin Jung

2024.04.27 - 2024.05.24

Gallery SIL[]

정우진 Woojin Jung

My work is about the inner self of a person. Who am I now? How did I become who I am? Personality, habits, speech patterns, one’s way of thinking. The various environments, experiences, memories, and judgments that have led up to the present. I think it's the accumulation of various elements that make up a person, and my work is focused on  visually unraveling these elements.

My last three solo exhibitions epitomize the above. My first solo exhibition utilized my specialty, ceramics. I created dozens of layers of clay, called slip, stacked one on top of the other, creating a stalagmite-like mass of layers that eventually took shape. For my second solo show, I utilized thread and 3D printer prints. The layered, additive nature of the 3D printer and the layers of thread worked well with the subject matter I was trying to express. For my third solo show, I created forms with chunks of marbling that appeared without a pattern for a more dynamic expression.

Through my work, I am constantly exploring my raison d'être.


My work dvelves into the inner self of a person, reflecting on the past while also examining the present and future.

Who am I now? How did I become who I am? Personality, habits, speech patterns, one’s way of thinking. The various environments, experiences, memories, and judgments that have led up to the present. I think it's the accumulation of various elements that make up a person, and my work is focused on visually unraveling these elements.

The three canvas works represent an element accumulated within a person’s inner self. Threads, similar yet different in their color composition, come together to form patterns and pictures.


The larger components refer to the elements that have piled up to form one's personality. People tend to have different ways of judging and understanding a single event. I used colors that differ from each other for each canvas. Even within one canvas, there is a reason for the variation of colors. Just as there are as many personalities as there are people, this was done to express the diverse thoughts and perceptions of each individual personality.

In the center of the small canvases lies pottery. Similar to how threads are layered onto the canvas surface, layers of clay were stacked one by one to build height like stalagmites. The process takes a lot of patience, as around 60 layers are needed to create a height of 5 mm. The pottery work marks the beginning of the “sayu”-series.

I believe the process of accumulation over time, shaping into stalactites and stalagmites, closely resembles the growth process of humans.  Just as stalactites and stalagmites continue to accumulate without pause, we too are constantly growing and changing with each moment.


The artwork placed on the floor goes beyond flatness and sculpture to embody a more three-dimensional form. It represents the outburst of emotions accumulated and overflowing from within an individual's inner self.

My work explores the theme of contemplating what constitutes the present "self" as an existence, as described above.


Nakyang Store  CEO: Lee Seung Jae / Gewerberegister-Nummer: 814-16-01020

PLACE NAKYANG / Hoenamu-ro 43 (Untergeschoss), Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Gallery SIL: Anterior von Hoenamu-ro 43, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Hosting Provider: WIX

Telefonnummer:  02-798-9323


Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag-Samstag / 12:00 - 20:00

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