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-'The pieces of dreams in knitting'

For as long as I can remember I have dreamt of becoming a creator.

The perpetual yet faint wish became a reality when I encountered knitting, thanks to its versatility.

Naturally it led to the birth of HUAXAUH, and I am now a creator of many knitted pieces. I am an advocate of using various materials and colors,

and composing shapes.

window exhibition


The shadow that deepens behind

an object hidden under the light

As I create shadow into physical forms,

I noticed that it constantly transforms accordingly

with the light – just like our internal shadows.


#kintting stool

I gave the stools something to wear by knitting some shapes.

I was inspired by daily scenes like the trees on the sidewalk, vines up the electric poles, and flowers blooming through the crack between bricks.

#knitting mobile

It’s a swirling knitted-mobile. Inside every piece are cotton and plastic bags that I saved every time I ordered yarn. You will be entertained by the rustle of the filler.


knitting mobile / 12cm x 125cm / 2022

knitting stool /
x 45cm / 2022


knitting stool / 40cm x 45cm / 2022

knitting mobile / 12cm x 125cm / 2022

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